Thursday, June 11, 2015

The mano cornuto is Italian. The reference is to the horned head of an animal. Whether made as an apotropaic gesture or worn as an amulet, the mano cornuto is used for protection against the evil eye. In this it resembles other hand gestures and hand images that ward off evil, including the hamsa hand, the eye-in-hand, the mano fico (fig hand), and the interlocked thumb gesture. A regionally popular amulet, it is primarily found in Italy and in America among descendents of Italian immigrants. hamsa hand necklace

The mano cornuto is Italian. The reference is to the horned head of an animal. Whether made as an apotropaic gesture or worn as an amulet, the mano cornuto is used for protection against the evil eye. In this it resembles other hand gestures and hand images that ward off evil, including the hamsa hand, the eye-in-hand, the mano fico (fig hand), and the interlocked thumb gesture. A regionally popular amulet, it is primarily found in Italy and in America among descendents of Italian immigrants.

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